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Why I Wish I Had The Pond When I was in High School

Congratulations! This was the one word I wanted to hear ever since the beginning of my application process. Receiving acceptance letters from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Business Administration and Management) and The University of Chicago (Business and Management) was a thrill.


Sounds like a pretty successful admission process, right? In reality, my senior year was no more than a hustle, stress, and a mess. Do you want to know why? Let’s dive into my world.


 Currently, I am working as an intern at Letitu, The Pond. What led me to The Pond was its goal to provide quality education for all. As I had attended middle and high school in Sudan (North Africa), the need for quality education was always a great interest for me. Among many educational services that Letitu provides, The Pond especially stood out to me because this was the service I exactly wished for.


Throughout my college admission process, I was always confused, sleep-deprived, and stressed. Even after hours of research, I would be still left with the question, “So what?” I still did not know which courses and APs I needed to take nor what extracurricular activities to do. On top of this, as my school was small, it did not provide enough AP classes. I had to teach myself AP Statistics with limited resources on the internet. Until the end of my junior year, I was yet to decide my major. When I finally did find the one that I was interested in, I realized it was too late. To get accepted at my dream school (Cornell University), Hotel Administration & Hospitality Management, experience of internship in a relevant field was crucial. However, I was already in my senior year and couldn’t fulfill the requirement.


I believe many or even most of the students would face the same kinds of problems as I have. It is like a domino effect. One problem sets off another. In my case, I did not know what to major in university. Besides, I did not know what kind of majors even existed and which ones would fit me the most. Thus, I couldn’t plan out my courses ahead. I just took classes one after another because I had to. Pretty lame, right? The worst is yet to come. I was surely aware that extracurricular activities count towards my application. However, they had no true meaning to me until I faced reality. Colleges look into extracurricular activities because they reflect a lot about who I am. Most importantly, they can make me a more competitive candidate. Now, here is a problem again. So, which one or one should I take part in?


That’s when I began to hope for a service like The Pond to exist. Now that I look back, all my concerns could have truly been solved by this single service. I would have been able to explore more majors/colleges, plan out my courses and test schedules, and align my resume with my dream major/college. The sample roadmaps of accepted students especially would have helped me how to prepare and what to expect in the college admission process.


I am more than happy to guide other students who could be lost just as I was in my high school years. The Pond provides detailed explanations about majors and colleges. It even provides a sample roadmap which I really needed when I was in high school. Along with the provided guide, The Pond also explains the importance of extracurricular activities and how students should be clever in planning out their activities. One tip I can give is having a theme and being persistent as well as committed to one activity.


I had to go through a hard time during my college application process period. Not only that, I had a hard time planning out my future. But for anyone who uses The Pond, I imagine the experience to be exciting, peaceful, and a success. Definitely better than mine! Good luck!

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